Grieving and Healing in the Wake of Sonya Massey’s Death

By The Rev. Dr. Ebony D. Only

The Black community is once again enveloped in sorrow as we grapple with the tragic loss of Sonya Massey, whose life was cut short by a Springfield, Illinois police officer. This heart-wrenching event has reopened wounds that never fully healed, leaving us to navigate a familiar path of grief, anger, and the urgent need for change.

As we come together to mourn Sonya, we’re reminded of the weight of collective trauma that our community bears. Each life lost to police violence deepens the scars on our communal psyche, leaving us questioning when this cycle of tragedy will end. Yet, in this dark moment, we must remember that our pain is valid, our anger is justified, and our call for justice is righteous.

In times like these, community becomes our lifeline. We’ve seen an outpouring of support through vigils, fundraisers for Sonya’s family, and peaceful protests demanding accountability. These actions not only honor Sonya’s memory but also serve as a catalyst for the change we so desperately need.

For those of us tasked with providing spiritual care and support, our role is crucial. Creating safe spaces for expression is paramount. Whether through listening circles, individual counseling, or group sessions, we must offer our community members opportunities to share their feelings without judgment. It’s essential to approach this work with cultural competence, understanding the specific context of police violence against Black communities.

As care providers, we can bridge divides, facilitating dialogue between community members and local officials if desired by community. We can lead healing rituals that allow for collective mourning, respecting the diverse spiritual backgrounds within our community. Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can offer is simply our presence, a compassionate ear and a supportive shoulder.

To our community members, take care of yourselves during this difficult time. Seek support when you need it, whether from spiritual leaders, mental health professionals, or community organizations. Engage in self-care practices that nurture your spirit and replenish your strength for the ongoing fight for justice.

As we move forward, let us carry Sonya Massey’s memory with us. Let her life, not just her death, fuel our commitment to creating a world where such tragedies are no longer commonplace. Together, we grieve, we heal, and we continue our unwavering demand for change.

In unity, we find our strength. In action, we honor those we’ve lost. And in our shared resolve, we pave the way for a future where equality, dignity, and the right to live without fear are not just ideals, but realities.

Let us support one another, uplift our voices, and continue the work of transforming our community and our nation. For Sonya, for ourselves, and for generations to come, we must persist in our pursuit of justice and healing.

Should you need assistance identifying relevant resources, facilitating conversations or support yourself, please contact our community chaplain.