Bishop Anderson House is delighted to present Dr. Arthur Kleinman, leading figure in medical anthropology, cultural psychiatry, global health and social medicine, on February 16 and 17, 2015.
On February 16, Kleinman will present two lectures. The first, at 12 noon, is entitled “Caregiving as Moral Experience: Why it Still Matters for Medical Students and Physicians” and will be directed toward medical students and clinicians.
The second lecture, at 3:30 p.m., will be held in room 994 of the Armour Academic Facility at RUSH University. Kleinman’s presentation for Spiritual Care Providers, “The Moral, Emotional, and Religious Sides of Caregiving” is based on his extensive research and writings in the field of caregiving. Please register for free here. This is open to all free of charge
On the 17th, Dr. Kleinman will lead Grand Rounds in preventative medicine at Rush University Medical Center.
Dr. Kleinman has written in The Lancet about being the primary caregiver for his wife during her illness and death from Alzheimer’s, and his writings offer a groundbreaking approach to ethics as they examine “who we are” through some of the most disturbing issues of our time–war, globalization, poverty, social injustice–all in the context of actual lived moral life.
Both presentations are free and open to the public, and we warmly invite you to join us.
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