What does it mean to be a board certified chaplain?

Board certification is the process by which candidates demonstrate their competence, qualifications and ability to function as a professional chaplain. One purpose of board certification is to assure the public and the employing organization that the chaplain has met established national standards for professional competence, and is held to a code of ethics. A second purpose is to promote the continuing education and development of certified spiritual care providers.
Board certified chaplains are professional chaplains certified through one of three organizations in the United States: The Association of Professional Chaplains, Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains, or National Association of Catholic Chaplains. Each organization has its own standards for certification and we invite you to check them out based on your faith background.
Both our spiritual care visitors and professional chaplains are trained to support patients and families of any religious background or none; do not proselytize or promote any faith tradition and operate within the scope of their authority and practice. Spiritual care visitors operate under the authority of the faith community leader, board certified chaplain, head of volunteer services, or whomever they report up to.