Kleinman presentation for Spiritual Care Providers

Bishop Anderson House is delighted to present Dr. Arthur Kleinman, leading figure in medical anthropology, cultural psychiatry, global health and social medicine, on February 16 and 17, 2015.  On February 16, Kleinman will present two lectures. The first, at 12 noon, is entitled "Caregiving as Moral Experience: Why it Still Matters for Medical Students and Physicians" and will be directed toward medical students and clinicians. The second lecture, at 3:30 p.m., will be held in room 994 of the Armour Academic Facility at RUSH University.  Kleinman's presentation for Spiritual Care Providers,  "The Moral, Emotional, and Religious Sides of Caregiving" is based on his extensive research [...]

By |2015-01-09T14:44:14-06:00January 9th, 2015|Chaplain, Education, Medicine, Workshops|0 Comments

Join our discussion of Kleinman Book: What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life amidst Uncertainty and Danger

One Book, One BAH: Getting Ready for Arthur Kleinman at Rush In preparation for Dr. Arthur Kleinman's visit to Rush in February, Bishop Anderson House invites you to read What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life Amidst Uncertainty and Danger. To purchase or borrow a copy from the BAH library, please email Ann Ryba. Join us on Wednesday, January 28 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm for a wine, cheese, and a discussion of the Kleinman book This is a great opportunity for graduates of the Lay Chaplain Training Program to gather together and catch up. From 5:30 pm to 6 pm [...]

December newsletter features story of volunteer police chaplain

Please enjoy our December newsletter. Featuring recent Volunteer Chaplain Training Graduate Scott Baeseman, this issue highlights his work as a police chaplain. Also included are an Executive Search update and One Book, One BAH: Getting Ready for Arthur Kleinman at Rush, a book study in anticipation of Dr. Kleinman's February 16 & 17 visit.  

By |2014-12-16T15:47:32-06:00December 16th, 2014|Education, Medicine, Volunteer Chaplain Training|0 Comments

The ABCs of Hospital Chaplaincy

We love this blog by Stacy Sergent, "a thirtysomething hospital chaplain learning (and unlearning) about life, death, God, myself, and other things along the way." Her ABCs of Hospital Chaplaincy start with Advanced Directives and the Bible...and winds it's way thoughtfully through the alphabet. We hope you can find some relevance in her insight. Click to begin the series.

By |2014-12-09T14:04:49-06:00December 9th, 2014|Chaplain, Education, Medicine, Volunteer Chaplain Training|0 Comments

Executive Director Search

When the Rev. Jay Risk announced his 2015 retirement, the BAH Trustees began plans for a search for a new Executive Director. Search Chair Bill Totsch and his team have crafted the job description and Bishop Anderson House profile and the search committee is now accepting resumes. Candidates may submit resumé/curriculum vitae to search@bishopandersonhouse.org. Committee members Bill Totsch, Erin Emery, David Kyllo, Marcia Pavlou, and George Smith will review and interview candidates through the winter of 2015, with a new director to be in place by June 1, 2015, Jay's planned retirement date.  Episcopal Charities Executive Director Georgianna Gleason, and ECCS staff member [...]

By |2014-11-25T13:20:21-06:00November 1st, 2014|Bishop Anderson House, Chaplain, Medicine|0 Comments

Flu shots are wonderful self-care for caregivers

Why get a flu shot Pastoral Care Givers extend the hand of caring and compassion--but are therefore at risk for catching influenza this season.  Flu shots are wonderful self-care for caregivers! Other ways to stay safe: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and then dispose of the tissue. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Keep surfaces that people touch clean and disinfected. More from the Center for Disease Control: "Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and [...]

By |2014-10-23T14:09:53-05:00October 23rd, 2014|Education, Medicine|0 Comments

Eldercare and the Caregiver

  Elder Care Workshops The Church Home at Montgomery Place and Bishop Anderson House are joining forces to offer two elder care workshops in the fall of 2014. Each presentation will be held in the East Room at The Church Home at Montgomery Place, 5550 S. Shore Dr., Chicago, IL. Workshops will incorporate topics of importance to those caring for an aging parent or partner, as well as those involved in pastoral care for the aging.  The presentations are open to all at no charge and you are welcome to attend either or both. Eldercare and the Caregiver: Body, Mind, [...]

By |2014-09-24T13:54:32-05:00August 19th, 2014|Chaplain, Education, Medicine, Workshops|0 Comments

Open Webinar: Applying Biblical Narratives to Wellness

Presented by Bishop Anderson House and the Department of Religion and Health at Rush University Resources for congregational clergy, pastoral care givers and chaplains Overcoming the Tragic:  Applying Biblical Narratives to Wellness An open webinar  Thursday, August 28, 2014 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Central (CDT)   (1.5 CE hours)  Bishop Anderson House707 S. Wood Street, Suite 101, Chicago, IL  60612 Call Eleanor at Dept of Religion, Health and Human Values at Rush University to register:  312-942-5571 (space is limited to first 25 registrants) About the webinar, presented by APC and based on a program funded by the Fulbright and the John Templeton Foundations: "Chaplains and congregational clergy [...]

Join us at Rush University Ground Rounds

Psychological, Spiritual and Moral Challenges of Combat Trauma Kent Drescher MDiv, PhD Clinical Director The Pathway Home WEDNESDAY March 12, 2014 10 – 11 AM A. B. Dick Auditorium Kellogg Building Rush University Medical Center Contact Jay Risk at BAH for more information:  312.563.4824 The Pathway Home is a 35-bed non-profit residential PTSD treatment program in Yountville California for OIF/OEF veterans and active-duty service members. A trained Presbyterian minister and psychologist, Dr. Drescher is involved in educational projects in the area of Moral / Spiritual impact of trauma, and web development of veterans resources for PTSD recovery. His current major projects include [...]

By |2014-02-17T10:21:12-06:00February 16th, 2014|Education, Medicine|0 Comments

Tender Loving Care

I heard the cries as soon as I entered the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.  One of the harsh truths of a cold winter like this is that we see an increased number of children with burns from families using alternative heat sources to keep warm. I knew those cries were from a young child whose burn dressings were being changed. The two year old boy had been living in an illegal apartment in the city. Illegal, because it did not meet requirements for being rented out. But it was. A young mother was renting it with her 2 and 4 [...]

By |2014-02-05T14:18:41-06:00February 5th, 2014|Bishop Anderson House, Chaplain, Medicine|0 Comments
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