Deaf Community Served by our All Angels Guild

The deaf senior citizens of the All Angels Guild celebrated Christmas on Thursday, December 3 with a luncheon at Angelo's restaurant in Elmhurst.  Fr. Trenton Pitcher opened the luncheon with a prayer and had the pleasure of introducing eight new people attending the event.  Volunteer Toni Sundling and Laura Thompson were presented with poinsettias for their generous support this past year. Laura introduced a deaf volunteer from her agency that is working with her on the All Angels project. Laura also presented a coffee mug loaded with candy treats to everyone attending.  Several people expressed thanks for the day's activities and [...]

By |2015-12-04T17:53:25-06:00December 4th, 2015|Advocacy, All Angels Guild, Chaplain|0 Comments

Code Lavender

As hospital staff and caregivers are stretched more and more, some hospitals are initiating a "Code Lavender" to prevent burnout.  Bishop Anderson House has long supported health care workers, from sharing prayer shawls and Teddy Bears with nurses to offering educational opportunities to physicians and students. Currently, Chaplain Cherryl leads monthly workshops to promote self-care and avoid staff burnout for staff and volunteers at Project Connect, Cook County Hospital System. We are honored to provide a safe and comforting place where health care workers facing the hardest challenges can "unpack" their deepest concerns. In 2016 we hope to offer several stress [...]

Jay Risk: Looking Forward, Looking Back

Jay Risk is surrounded by boxes. Sorting twelve years' worth of files and packing them all is no fun, but Jay takes the experience- which to many (including myself) is a tedious task- and reframes it in true chaplain style: "Going through all these things has been a real walk down memory lane." As he recounts a few memories for me, the most prevalent theme and detail is the way in which Bishop Anderson House's success is in at least some part due to the teamwork of many who dedicate themselves to the work of pastoral care. "People have been [...]

By |2015-06-17T16:37:53-05:00April 22nd, 2015|Advocacy, Chaplain|0 Comments
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