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So far ANN RYBA has created 131 blog entries.

Meet our 2016 Board of Trustees

On January 26 the Board of Trustees gathered at BAH offices for the Annual Meeting. We are fortunate to have a creative, energetic and passionate board. In 2016 we will harness the energy and work on a vibrant strategic plan for the future of Bishop Anderson House.  Click here to meet our board.

By |2016-02-11T15:46:32-06:00February 5th, 2016|Trustees|0 Comments

Welcoming 24 New Volunteer Lay Chaplains

Bishop Anderson House and the wider Chicago area are now being served by 24 recent graduates of Volunteer Lay Chaplain Training. This cadre of volunteers hailed from multiple faith traditions and neighborhoods, but bonded together as one, learning the skills of active listening, the gift of presence, and how to navigate the medical landscape. Our newest alumni will be serving at Alexian Brothers Hospital, Northwest Community Hospital, and in their own congregations and communities.  We congratulate each graduate and wish them Godspeed as they bring the Care to Health Care. Perhaps you feel called to become a volunteer chaplain.  Enrollment for Spring 2016 is [...]

Deaf Community Served by our All Angels Guild

The deaf senior citizens of the All Angels Guild celebrated Christmas on Thursday, December 3 with a luncheon at Angelo's restaurant in Elmhurst.  Fr. Trenton Pitcher opened the luncheon with a prayer and had the pleasure of introducing eight new people attending the event.  Volunteer Toni Sundling and Laura Thompson were presented with poinsettias for their generous support this past year. Laura introduced a deaf volunteer from her agency that is working with her on the All Angels project. Laura also presented a coffee mug loaded with candy treats to everyone attending.  Several people expressed thanks for the day's activities and [...]

By |2015-12-04T17:53:25-06:00December 4th, 2015|Advocacy, All Angels Guild, Chaplain|0 Comments

Code Lavender

As hospital staff and caregivers are stretched more and more, some hospitals are initiating a "Code Lavender" to prevent burnout.  Bishop Anderson House has long supported health care workers, from sharing prayer shawls and Teddy Bears with nurses to offering educational opportunities to physicians and students. Currently, Chaplain Cherryl leads monthly workshops to promote self-care and avoid staff burnout for staff and volunteers at Project Connect, Cook County Hospital System. We are honored to provide a safe and comforting place where health care workers facing the hardest challenges can "unpack" their deepest concerns. In 2016 we hope to offer several stress [...]

Apply now – Spring Volunteer Chaplain Training

Apply now for our upcoming Spring 2016 Volunteer Chaplain Training Session Wednesday evenings, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., February 17 through May 11, 2016 Held at Bishop Anderson House offices, 707 S Wood Street, Chicago, 60612 Application open through January 30, 2016 Class is open to members of all faith traditions Students are recommended by congregational leader or professional chaplain Weekly field work site determined by student and supervisor 2 hours of class time and 2 hours of field work each week $300 enrollment fee Download application here Application Spring 2016 For more information please call Cherryl at 312-563-4825 or cholt@bishopandersonhouse.org

By |2015-11-05T11:15:05-06:00November 1st, 2015|Chaplain, Education, Volunteer Chaplain Training|0 Comments

We Celebrate Pastoral Care Week

Friends, what better way to celebrate Pastoral Care Week than with good food and good people?  We want to invite spiritual caregivers and educators from across the Illinois Medical District to a couple of events that celebrate each other and the healing ministry that we share. First, Bishop Anderson House invites you to our space for lunch on Wednesday, Oct 28th!  The food we're providing will be a tasty Middle Eastern spread, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. And then what do you call a bunch of chaplains at a bar on a Thursday after work?  Chappy Hour, that's what!  We're heading [...]

By |2015-10-20T13:48:47-05:00October 20th, 2015|Chaplain, Education, Medicine|0 Comments

Trustee initiates new venture with Project Connect

Dr. Toyin Ayedemi had a vision that Bishop Anderson House would provide pastoral care to patients living with HIV, AIDS and other infectious diseases. A physician and professor at Stroger Hospital, she has been deeply involved with the Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center, and this spring she initiated our new venture at Project Connect. Since it opened its doors in 1998, the Center has remained one of the largest HIV/AIDS clinics in the United States. BAH Chaplain Cherryl Holt provides pastoral care one day per week not only to inpatients, but also staff of Project Connect.  Chaplain Cherryl will facilitate a support group for staff [...]

By |2015-10-20T13:54:08-05:00October 6th, 2015|Chaplain, Medicine, Volunteer Chaplain Training|0 Comments

Win a trip for 2 to Miami!

Two nights at the fabulous Blue Moon Hotel South Beach Dinner at Moreno’s Cuba Airfare from Chicago to Miami Buy raffle tickets online today–only $5.00 each Need not be present to win; online tickets added automatically to the drawing. Each Spirited Adventure guest who brings clothing for HIV patients wins a free raffle ticket! Buy tickets today to Spirited Adventure to Cuba Tuesday October 20, 2015, 5:30- 8:30 p.m. DS Tequila Restaurant $35 for unlimited food and drink (Cost at Door: $40) Tickets are not mailed; your registration is held at the door Join us for a night of cigars, dominoes, Cuba Libres and [...]

By |2015-10-20T13:49:48-05:00October 1st, 2015|Chaplain, Fundraising, Volunteer Chaplain Training|0 Comments
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