Spring Benefit
Tickets on Sale Now
SCVT Alumni and Caregivers
Self Care Retreat
Saturday, April 26 / Hybrid Option

“Equitably Caring for the Human Spirit.”
Our chaplains provide spiritual care to the patients, families and staff of John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, with costs borne by Bishop Anderson House.
Our flagship Spiritual Care Visitor Training is offered online, and complemented with continuing education workshops for graduates. As adjunct CPE faculty, The Rev. Tommy Rogers supervises chaplaincy training at Rush University Medical Center.
Social Responsibility & Racial Justice
As healers and caregivers we are committed to continue our work dismantling racism and discrimination wherever we find it and to foster and protect the dignity and worth of every human being.
Spirituality & Wellness
Bishop Anderson House provides self-care and stress relieving events for medical personnel to combat burn-out and alleviate compassion fatigue.